What is AGGERO INVESTMENT? The term 'Aggero' is a Latin word meaning "to make a mound, heap up, increase". And this is exactly the commitment I want to promise my investors, make them a mound of money and increase the amount of their investments, through legal outside investments and advertising income. I'm Roger Clark and I've been in this business for quite some time now, and I've seen the many highs and lows of this industry. After StudioTraffic and (the original) 12DailyPro, I've lost a lot of investments on various programs that led me to give up and be inactive for awhile. During those times, I've looked for various ways of making money online including Forex, Casinos, Sports Betting, and more. I found that some are lucrative and some are just plain scams also. Now, I am back and will try this industry again, but this time as an administrator of my own program. I've learned so much from my experiences that now; I believe it is time to put all those knowledge into practice. All the things I need I've acquired. I found a great programmer who programmed this site's script from scratch and put all the necessary protection a site needs. I signed-up with a highly reputable and well recommended DDOS-protection hosting service, AND have another one waiting in case there's a need. And I have a great set of rules and regulations for the program, that will prove to last longer than others.
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AggeroInvestment.com The FUTURE is... NOW!
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